Lying in bed this morning at around 06:00 listening to birdsong in the meadow which comprised of Blackbird, Song Thrush, and Blackcap etc. when I picked up on a different song.
It sounded familiar, as in I have heard it before and it was not until after about a minute I thought that sounds like an Iberian Chiffchaff!
A quick check on the app and I thought I’d better try and record this. Trying to get ready and get outside but within another minute the singing had stopped.
I eventually got outside and spent some time searching but with no luck.
I alerted a couple of local birders and continued searching but again no joy.
Eventually I took a walk along the Bunk line and back and searched again until 14:00 and still no luck.
We also checked early evening along with Alan and Tony.
As it stands I am unable to verify this on song alone and over a brief period of time!
Anyway Alan out at Lollingdon today and myself along the Bunk line and no surprises at either!
Roe Deer courtesy Alan
Spotted Orchid in the garden
Lovely photo of the Deer. I saw one for the first time in over 2 weeks today! I was very happy with this :-D