Friday 11 August 2023

Migrants & Mammals

Sunny periods, 24°, breezy SSW.

An interesting time on the hill today. As soon as I arrived, I could hear a Willow Warbler calling, eventually seeing it around an hour later when it showed briefly.

Again after about an hour I heard the Redstart calling, which then showed itself briefly before moving to the hedgerow over the top of the hill.

An intermittent flow of around 60 Lesser Blackback Gull moving overhead from the south west.

A few Chiffchaff and a Common Whitethroat was about it in 2.5 hours on the hill.

A mammal encounter was also on the cards as I heard some movement behind me and out of the field shot 2 of what initially thought were dogs but turned out to be 2 Roebuck with one chasing the other.

They were quite close and one run towards me but stopped about a metre from me before his awareness stepped in and he turned and run off up the track followed by the other. Presumably some territorial dispute?

Only other bird of note was a lone Swift seen flying over the church.

I had not long got back from Lollingdon when Alan messaged me to say he had found a Whinchat and a Redstart along the bunk line.

So back on with the boots, grabbed the bins and camera and out again.

Fortunately not too far to walk before I found Alan watching the Whinchat on some telegraph wires but the Redstart had disappeared.

We watch the Whinchat for a few minutes and Alan carried on taking Bella (dog) for a walk further along.

I spent some more time with the chat and heard the Redstart calling from a hedge bordering a large garden and got some brief views before it flipped into the garden and disappeared.

Also a Common Whitethroat present.

Mammals: Brown Hare and Roe Deer.

Dragonflies: Beautiful Demoiselle and Common Darter.

Butterflies: Brimstone, Large White, Small White, Holly Blue, Common Blue, Red Admiral, Peacock, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown.

Whinchat courtesy Alan
Willow Warbler
Roe Deer ↕


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