Thursday 29 August 2024

A little livelier

Sunny periods, 20°, light W.

A slow start with little initially seen along the Bunk area today. Around 20 minutes in I started to note a passage of Hirundines and over the next few hours counted over 200 birds. Majority being Swallow and the rest House Martin.

Alan also noted a passage of Hirundine over Westfield Road plus a juv Peregrine Falcon.

A Whinchat also found and seen briefly before being spooked by a worker on the railway and I was unable to relocate the bird.

Alan relocated the Whinchat approx. 2 hours later.

Plus: 2 juv Hobby, 2 Kestrel, a Sparrowhawk, 4 Yellow Wagtail, 3 Common Whitethroat, 4 Blackcap, 10+ Chiffchaff, 5 Yellowhammer, a Raven, 300+ Starling etc.

Dragonflies: Southern Hawker and Common Darter.

Butterflies: Large and Small White, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown and a Small Tortoiseshell in the garden.

Whinchat courtesy Alan

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