Monday 19 August 2024

All quiet except for Tigers

Cloudy, 20°, light SW.

Very quiet out at Lollingdon and the Bunk today.

A few Hirundine flocks moving through of both Swallow and House Martin. The only other migrants noted were c12 Chiffchaff and 2 Common Whitethroat. Other than that, all quiet.

Chiffchaff and Red Kite in the garden.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: a handful of Large and Small White, 4 Speckled Wood and 2 Meadow Brown.

Moths: Loren found a colony of Ruby Tiger moths on her allotment. At least 10 individuals seen and appear to have metamorphosed in one of the cold frames with some still in the pupa cycle.

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