Friday 16 August 2024


Sunny, 22°, light SSE.

Almost identical observations out at Lollingdon today compared with Wednesday.

A single Common Redstart and Willow Warbler, 4 Common Whitethroat, 3 Blackcap, several Chiffchaff, a Reed Bunting, 3 Yellowhammer, 2 House Martin and a single Swallow, plus a flyover Raven.

Dragonflies: A Migrant Hawker, 2 Southern Hawker and 6+ Common Darter.

Butterflies: again vey poor abundance. A section of Buddleia that would usually hold around 2 dozen butterflies this time of year had just 4. Overall, the majority being seen today were Small White with a few Large White, several Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper, 2 Holly Blue and a single worn Comma.

Other than the Buddleia and some Bramble in flower there was a complete lack of any other flowering plants.

Common Darter

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