Monday 23 September 2024

A wet one

Light to heavy rain all day, 14°, light SW.

A thoroughly wet day with a lot of minor flooding.

Large numbers of Hirundines on the move today in the Bunk area, predominately Swallow with good numbers of House Martin.

Between Alan and myself I estimate up to 1500 birds with large numbers feeding low over fields and over CSW and the gravel pit area.

Also good numbers of Meadow Pipit (60+), Pied Wagtail (c50), and Yellow Wagtail (c20) and a single Grey Wagtail.

Several hundred Lesser Blackback Gull on Cholsey Hill plus a few Black-headed Gull.

Also, Sparrowhawk, Jay, Grey Heron and 8 Chiffchaff.

Leucistic Black-headed Gull courtesy Alan
Shaggy Inkcap

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