Monday 2 September 2024

Out & About

Cloudy with a few light showers, 21°, light S.

Little to speak of out at Lollingdon today other than a Kingfisher and both Swallow and House Martin moving through.

Bunk area: Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Willow Warbler, several Chiffchaff, a Common Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Yellow Wagtail and approx. 200 Gulls along with many Corvids and 14 Red Kite following a plough and up to 80 Swallow moving through.

Silly Bridge area: Yellow Wagtail, c60 Swallow, a Swift and 2 Raven overhead.

Butterflies: numbers of Small White, the occasional Large White,2 Red Admiral and singles of Peacock, Comma and Small Heath.

AD & PC.

Common Buzzard

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