Tuesday 10 September 2024

Portland: Day 3

Overcast and rain showers, 16°, blustery W.

A windy day started quietly with not a lot going on. The sea was slow and the windy conditions were suppressing bird movement.

The Marsh Harrier appeared again over the crown estate fields and at around 09:00 another Harrier turned up, all but too briefly but some good photos were taken of it.

The bird then returned about twice more before disappearing for good.

A lot of debate then ensued around it’s ID and was eventually ID’d as a 2nd calendar year male Pallid Harrier.

The day continued windy with some rain later so birding was a little tricky.

The sea produced 35 Manx Shearwater, 3 Balearic Shearwater, 4 Arctic Skua, a Shelduck, c30 Sandwich Tern, c20 Common/Arctic Tern, 20+ Kittiwake, a Common Scoter, etc.

Time spent waiting to see if the Pallid returned was wasted so looking for land migrants was limited with just a couple of Blackcap and Chiffchaff, a few Wheatear and 20+ Swallow.

Mammals: 3-5 Grey Seal were seen on the east side of the bill.

Dragonflies: several Common Darter.

Butterflies: several Small White, 5 Painted Lady, 6 Red Admiral and a number of Speckled Wood.

Pallid Harrier courtesy Martin Cade

Grey Seals. Possibly 2 males vying for the attention of a female.

Marsh Harrier

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