Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Litter & Birds

A chilly day, cloudy with some sunshine, 5°, light WSW.

A visit to Cholsey Marsh this afternoon and the key volunteers for BBOWT were busy doing a litter pick, namely Phil, Ed and William (all local Cholsey residents).

Over the course of today they managed to fill at least 10 bin bags of litter from the reserve. So come on folks, if you see someone littering let them know its not on!!!!

Also met Gerry Sexton down on the marsh who has reported seeing 2 Lesser-spotted Woodpecker near Bow Bridge about 10 days ago.

Any local birders birding near the Bow Bridge area please keep a look out for these as the last record of Lesser-spot in Cholsey was around 1984 and Bow Bridge was the last place they bred and we need to verify this sighting! Thanks.

Anyway back to the birds etc today, a Little Grebe and Grey Heron spotted by Ed, a Sparrowhawk (Gerry) and a Kingfisher and Great Crested Grebe (Gerry and Phil).

A few Mute Swan around today and a flock of 7 seen recently in flight. A few Geese heard, Canada and Greylag and between 3-7 Cormorant.

Approx. 100 Corn Bunting in the roost this evening and up to 80 Meadow Pipit and 10+ Reed Bunting.

A single Water Rail heard and a few Fieldfare and Redwing present.

A large number of Corvids seen again over towards South Stoke.

A Brambling still being seen in a garden near Waterloo Close. Per MA.

Little Grebe
Some Bracket Fungi on the opposite bank.
A fraction of the litter retrieved today by the volunteers.

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