Monday, 22 January 2018

Little Egrets

Variable sun and cloud, 8°, light to mod WNW.

Much better weather today after the week ends wind, rain, snow and sleet.

2 Little Egret inadvertently flushed from the brook on the way out to Lollingdon. They landed briefly in an adjacent field before flying off east.

15 minutes later I found 2 more distantly at the back end of a flooded filed, thinking how did they get in front of me without me seeing them?

An hour plus later I was coming off the hill when I noticed 4 Little Egret flying west about a kilometre from me and they landed in a flood area in one of the fields. I made my way down and across the fields but by the time I arrived they had moved on.

The flooded field out at Lollingdon hosted a flock of approx. 200 Lapwing today, with c80 Black-headed Gull and 40’ish Lesser Blackback Gull.

Lots of thrushes still around scattered throughout the area and a Kingfisher also noted, both Kestrel and Sparrowhawk seen near the Millennium Wood.

Mammals: Roe Deer.

Some Winter Aconites and Snowdrops in flower now.

4 Little Egret

 Winter Aconites

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