Thursday, 10 July 2014


Sunny, 26º, breezy N.

A late afternoon visit to Lollingdon hill today found 2 Common Redstart, one along the hedgerow to the west and a young bird in the Hawthorns along the south face of the hill calling.

A Song Thrush in the hedgerow, several Buzzard overhead and 2 Kestrel hunting.

A single Black-headed Gull flew west and 2 Yellow Wagtail calling nearby plus the usual around the hill.

The Lapwings still present in the area.

2 Brown Hawker dragonflies, 1 on the hill and the other hunting over a field of Oats and a Blue Emperor patrolling the pond.

Meadow Brown, Ringlet and Small Tortoiseshell abundant and several Gatekeeper, Large Skipper, Small Skipper, Large White, Small White and a single Marbled White and Red Admiral.

A Sparrowhawk flew through the garden this evening.

 Song Thrush
 Small Skipper
 2 x Meadow Brown (Loren)
Pellucid Fly Volucella pellusens (Loren)
Marmalade Hoverfly (Loren)
 Wild flowers in a field of Peas (Loren)
 Chaffinch (Loren)


  1. The black & white hoverfly is Volucella pellucens. RB

  2. Ooops, forget to say also that the orange hoverfly is the Marmalade Hoverfly (no joke, that's the English name!). RB
