Still cool but getting milder and back to a feel of spring
A Chiffchaff singing
in the meadow on and off all morning and a Peacock
butterfly in the garden.
As I was approaching the hill this afternoon, a Weasel ran across the road in front of the car and disappeared into
a field, first one I've seen this year.
Still no sign of Wheatear on Lollingdon hill but should turn
up soon.
A movement of Fieldfare
and Starling today with c500 of the
former flying overhead north and several flocks of the latter also flying north
A Sparrowhawk
flew over south, the lone Starling
still out feeding amongst the sheep flock and several Pied Wagtail and Meadow
Pipit still present.
Weasel ran across Wallingford Rd in front of me yesterday. Grey Wagtail singing again at Church Rd bridge, also Blackcap singing along brook and in school nature reserve this week - presumably the winterers.